Saturday, March 31, 2007

Following the trials held today,
i'd like to welcome Cass to asterisk*[X3M].
We have also shortlisted a few of the trialees for the last place on the team :

we will be holding another round of trials for these girls on MONDAY 2nd April at 2pm, also at Gaming Giants.
TBC : -jaime

Please note that this will be the last round of trials, so, DONT MISS YOUR CHANCE! if there is any gal out there who is interested, please do not hesitate to contact us via this blog or call Gaming Giants at 63421601

i'd like to add, that accepted players are under Clan Extreme [X3M], since asterisk operates under them. the implications of this will be discussed with those who make it through the trials. dont worry... its not as scary as it sounds.
to conclude, i'd like to thank LuX, Ant, ice, yuna and ken for helping out, and of course, our lan sponsor Gaming Giants for allowing us to hold trials there free of charge and being so kind and tolerant to our demands. =)
official announcement is out at dotasg too
Do check out the X3M forums at too!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

asterisk* trials
(a summary of all you need to know - Tammy requested that I post cos she lazy =X)

3pm, 31st March @ Gaming Giants
Katong Shopping Centre

Format of Trials (subject to change)
Version: 6.40

ROUND 1 (-apspdu)
1v1 (3X 1v1 per game)
Time Limit: up to 20 minutes
- No ganking, no runes, no neutrals, no power-ups, no item sharing (includes chicken), no lane changing, no item restrictions
- Hero choices will be your own
- Starting gold will be same as a 5v5

ROUND 2 (-apsp)
Time Limit: up to 40 minutes
- No item restrictions, no item sharing (includes chicken)
- Both teams will draft before game commences

You will be judged on aspects such as:
- Creeps farmed/denied
- Item build
- Creep and lane control
- Coordination/assistance to team-mates
- Awareness

- Please be on time (no later than 15 minutes)
- You will be required to sign-in and fill up a form (approach anyone at the counter if you cannot find the * members)
- Trials will be FOC (no LAN charges will be incurred)
- As of now, 12 girls have expressed interest and have confirmed with us that they will be present this Saturday. We urge all other girls who have not responded to do so as soon as possible so we can make proper arrangements.

Girls listed for trials – kim, d4wn, kelly, claire, cass, yann, maria, impulsedragon, dragon's friend, lingzi, jaime

Good Luck Have Fun!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

well... as of now, i have 12 girls who have expressed interest directly to me, and have notified me of their intentions to be present this saturday. i urge all other gals who have not given me (or us) any response to do so soon so that we can better plan for the trials.

to make it fair, i shall announce the format of the trials here. (subject to change)

1v1 among the trialees
propose to hold 3x 1v1 with 4 obs.
no ganking, no runes, and no neutralling.
hero choices will be your own.
starting gold will be same as a 5v5.

-purpose is to see who the stronger ones are, so * members will not be playing

5v5 among trialees. * will fill in if needed.
all decisions will be left to the trialees, eg, draft, items, commanding.

feel free to clarify anything or leave suggestions.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

dear all,
i am pleased to announce that asterisk*[X3M] is recruiting, so please inform and encourage your female dota friends to attend our trials. we are looking at taking 2-3 new members to our team. trials are tentatively set for next satuday 31st March at Gaming Giants at katong shopping centre at 3PM. Details can also be found :

1) must be FEMALE. males need not apply.
2) preferably not studying, or not in a crucial exam year.
3) have decent connection + com at home to train. or able to go lan to train with the rest of the team online.
4) can commit to at least ONE training session weekly.

trials will be held at Gaming Giants at katong shopping centre and we require you to be down in person so we can verify your sex. this is NON-NEGOTIABLE.we look forward to meeting you soon.

Gaming Giants
Katong Shopping Centre
(below Asteriods cyber cafe, where the old DC8 used to be. go down the stairs near the POSB atm outside Katong Shopping Centre. its on the right.)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

i havent post in such a long time! exams are over so im here.

a piece of news

asterisk will be playing against kelly(milkies)'s girls team tomorrow at egames, 5pm. if you're wondering, yes, its an all girls dota match. the lineup for asterisk will be the same as the one you're seeing on the right column. as for the line up for the other team, there's still some adjustment, so, dont be surprise if you see 1 or 2 guys sub-ing for them.

whether this friendly match will be a success, it will depend on:
1. if kelly(milkies)'s team turns up.
2. coms are available for usage.

we might be playing at hq or gaming giant(katong) if there's no coms at egames.

Friday, March 23, 2007

I did aim to have played all 82 heroes by June, but with the recent booming of competitions both online and offline, it seems I'll have to be practicing heroes instead of trying new ones for fun. Hero logging however, will be indefinitely postponed. I actually find it rather amazing though, that in the hectic rush of competitions, I actually played one new hero and that actually paid off, more on that later. Anyway, number 33 - Goblin Alchemist, will be added on to the backlog, along with Bristleback, Silencer, Doom Bringer, Lord of Avernus, Treant Protector, Bane Elemental, Shadow Shaman, Earthshaker, Lord of Olympia, Queen of Pain, Prophet, and Twin-headed Dragon.

Lessee... to begin with, Zenith trials. As it turns out, GPS has decided to stop blowing, at least for one hero. The shortlist of the half dozen or so players who are still potential candidates will be used at a later date, but not too near in the future, at least until someone goes somewhere else, or GPS or me start becoming habitual feeders again. So that was a lot of wasted admin. Bleh.

Let's start with the Gamers Inc competition. I'll start with it because there wasn't anything much to be said about it. We have a habit of getting into losing streaks, and one competition loss is usually a very very bad sign for the next competition. Thus we all went into this fully prepared and actually taking it rather seriously, so no diffusal lothar RKs were used. I can say we pretty much breezed through this competition rather easily, but I can only hope that we can maintain the same attitude in our next competition. One thing good about it though, was that I don't think we used the same draft in any of our matches. We basically did a new stunt for almost every single game in the competition. I'll let the replays do the talking for anyone who is interested.

Interschool followed directly after Gamers Inc. Frankly, from what I can see, it was mostly just about which team was unlucky enough to meet TP, NP, or ITE FTW* early. For reasons I'm not too certain of, there really isn't a single Pre-U school team that can do anything against those 3. Maybe it's the advantage in players available, or the abundance of good players. Overall though, it was my first experience marathon shoutcasting, and taught me the valuable lesson that while it might be tiring to watch two good teams drag the game, it is DOWNRIGHT FRUSTRATING to watch two noob teams drag the game. Sadly when the tournament went to the better parts (I'll assume), I was mostly playing and so was unable to do any commentating. Oh, and playing Gears of War was also a blast. I would actually buy an xbox360 if I had the time and was willing to spend the money (but I don't!).

I joined inter-school with schoolmates, and honestly I didn't expect to get as far as 4th, but mostly like I said, it was just about which above-decent team got wiped by the top 3 teams first, and we didn't meet them until the semi-finals, so yeh... my schoolmates turned out to be pretty decent in gameplay. Engagements, lane control, and catching actually went quite well. The only drawback is that they farm slow. Slow. SLOWWWW. Oh, and one of them charges into enemies alone for no reason at all.

I'll be brief for our first few games. We did play one really good game in the quarter-finals, that I feel is simply epic, but of course that's because I played it, and onlookers might not feel the same. Anyway...

First game was up against Bedok View Sec Sch I believe. I can tell you how the game went, but I'll just tell you that they chose Nerubian Weaver and Lightning Revenant, and practically attack moved. We just push and raxed in 40 minutes, not really much of a game.

Next we went up against AJC, which was supposedly not too bad. I believe they went mostly a draft without much AoE at all, prompting me to draft Bear and Warlock to fast push them. I beared top against THD and Zeus, who basically gave me almost free farm. Turned out to be a rather easy game in the end, and we just smashed rax once radiance and treads were up. Their heroes having no AoE or escape mechanism, and coming in one by one disorganised, meant they were sort of pwned badly by the big entangling Spirit Bear.

The next match was against HCJC. This one was quite scary because they went RK, QoP, SF, Zeus, and something else I forgot, basically 3 late gamers and very good holding out. I opted to risk for another Warlock Bear fastpush strat. It started rather badly, with Warlock losing out in middle lane. Nevertheless, with them having 3 late gamers and all actually farming rather well, I called for middle lane push once treads radiance was up. We took down the base tower, but were unable to push any further.

A few pushes resulting in neither side gaining an advantage leaves me quite scared, seeing as how they have 3 late gamers farming really well. Somehow though, a very nice engagement leaves their mid crypt taken down. We basically keep smashing into their top until it downs too, with a very nice engagement after a few not as nice ones. At this point they are super buffed. We just keep the pressure on them, basically smashing into their towers so they can't really leave their base. I use my last charge of Aegis to take down the bottom tower, but they are holding out really well. At this point, I send my teammates to die at bottom lane, and take down the throne. We didn't really have a point where we were losing, but their late game heroes were so well farmed that any major screw up by us would have resulted in us having a very difficult time winning that game.

Next we went up against Clementi Town Secondary School, which I was quite happy to face because there was one guy in their team who throughout one of my commentaries was being a complete nuisance in front of the stage. They were running a Bristleback strat through the competition, and I was actually quite scared of it. Turns out that they were more scared that we would counter their Bristleback strat, and instead chose Obsidian Destroyer.

Their draft basically lacked lane control. We were actually leading in terms of kills by quite a bit early on in the game. My QoP LoA was able to control their Obsidian at top, but he called for mass help and farmed quite a lot. Unfortunately for him, the rest of his team was basically underfarmed and underleveled, and I also happened to be running VS and Doom in my team. It was a rather short game. I don't believe the Destroyer got off one good ultimate. He spent most of the engagement being doomed or being dead, and the rest of his team didn't have much of a chance.

The quarter-finals against Deyi though was throughly epic. They had Viper Warlock Sandking Zeus Bear, up against our LoA QoP Bane Veno and... dig this... ALCHEMIST.

Turns out we're pretty even in terms of lane control... which is good. At least we have some skill. Lanes are pretty even, with Veno Bane up against Warlock Zeus or Sandking (can't remember) and Bear and his friend dying to LoA QoP up top. Early game goes rather evenly. I somehow manage to take Viper in mid. However, with all the farming I do it's really difficult to control him. He gets a rather early relic, but not before I buy a Perseverence and hold around 3k. He ups radiance around the same time as me, but I do have an extra Perseverence. After a bit more farming for BoT, I wait for QoP to Skadi before attempting a push, seeing as how Bear is hard to stop farming but hasn't yet got a Radiance. Unfortuantely, QoP Skadis REALLY SLOWLY. Bear gets Radiance and his stuff, but I call for push anyway.

The first push isn't too bad. I manage to farm quite a lot, but the middle tower survives with a few hundred HP to spare. Courtesy of a very nice Bane grip on Viper, they basically have nothing to slow me with, just a lot of spell spam.

The next few pushes don't go off very well though. My team practically walks right into epicentre and all the AoE combo of Deyi, and the Bear perma-entangles me. Luckily I do manage to break out of entangle to finish off a few lower HP heroes that have been damaged by QoP's spells. Overall, we aren't really losing that much in the engagements. After a few pushes, due to the sheer amount of times we have pushed, Mid Scourge base tower goes down (Deyi's). At this point however, my team gets baited by a Bear and they all die, leaving me to defend the mid Rax alone from the full enemy force. By being just purely overfarmed, I actually am able to defend the raxes alone before my team revives, but waste 1 charge of Aegis and can't save the Mid Ancient Protector.

We push back, and successfully manage to take down one rax on their side. However, at this point, their entire team is really well farmed. Basically, our AoE leaves them at half HP, and their AoE leaves the rest of my team dead. Fortunately, I still have a farming advantage.

At this point though, they start pushing, and we start to engage them in all sorts of places away from base. Forests, river, etc. My aegis wears out, but here comes the fun part. I have 5K, all 6 item slots full with Skadi, Heart, BoT, Radiance, Bfury, and Aegis. Throughout the entire game, although I pack somewhere along 10 deaths, I buy out immediately every single time with around 5K left to spare still.

Around every single engagement, my entire team dies, and they micro me around, so either Bear or Viper gets out alive but with very little HP left with no way to push, since by the time they get there I've already bought out. One cunning little engagement at our forest though, leaves me wondering why I managed to take down all the heroes there. Only then do I find their Bear ploughing down our top base tower. Bleh. Bad.

No wait, it gets worse. Deciding that there isn't any point in taking down an Alchemist that buys out all the time anyway, Deyi pushes mid, drives my team back, and proceeds to use AN ENTIRE CYCLONE STICK on me, which buys them time to take down the tower.

Bear gets BoT now, and pressures other lanes. I'm not really sure how it happens, but our top rax falls after another of their split pushes. All this while, I'm basically suiciding in engagements, and buying out to defend.

With only one set of raxes left, they somehow don't think of going for the World Tree. I easily fend off mid and top lane creeps (the joy of Bfury Radiance) before defending bottom lane a lot. Very damn impressive work from my Bane makes them do very little damage as they basically smash into our towers. Around this time, Bear and Viper run out of Aegises. I basically take opportunity of the time after they fail the bottom lane rax smashing to rush for their Throne, although they do very well in defense. I manage to empty the way to the throne and bring one tower to half HP, but that's about it.

After another wipe, where our bottom tower goes down, I decide to charge after the bottom rax. Lo, they're waiting for me already, but I delay them for a really long time. Fat Alchemist for the win. My LoA player decides to take this time to finish off the half-dead Throne tower. As expected, I buy out, and they all are forced to heal.

At this point, as they cross the river on the top lane (I did push creeps quite far), my teammate notices that they have bought YET another stick of Euls. See, we have only one set of raxes left now. And I can't stop it from going down if I'm flying. I decide to do something desperate and make a beeline for their throne.

I'm not really sure how my team defends 4v5, but I think the Eul was saved for me and they didn't realise I was already at their Throne. They manage to take down one and a half raxes, with very good delaying from TP and my excellent Bane Elemental player. When the throne has about half HP left, they fall back, TPing to save it.

I die. Oh no. Guess what? Yes, I buy back again. Now the throne has around 1.5K hit points. With the creeps quite far up, I BoT just before their base. My noble LoA joins me, and tanks everything on the way. All the stuns, everything. He BKBs, activates his ultimate, and together with me, we take the throne down.

In a 100 minute game where you're only surviving on half a rax and the opponent seems to be wining, especially in a quarter-finals match, that was a rather epic game.

I'll leave TFL and MYM and our ventures into international arena for later ^^ MUCH MUCH LATER.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

asterisk* is recruiting soon. pls let all your female dota friends know. leave a comment if you wish to be contacted directly to be informed of trials.

1) must be FEMALE
2) preferably not studying, or not in a crucial exam year.
3) have decent connection + com at home to train. or able to go lan to train with the rest of the team online.
4) can commit to at least ONE training session weekly.

trials will most probably be held at Gaming Giants at katong shopping centre over a weekend, we require you to be down in person so we can verify your sex. this is NON-NEGOTIABLE.

despite the fact that i know i cant view this post cos of some unforseen kok up between blogger and singnet (i think) i shall just post anyway, for the benefit of those who can see.

with the conclusion of funan interschool dota compie comes, of course, pictures. and here i have, photo of the day from : "Ant from Zenith doing a "Praying Mantis" kung fu stance."
very fitting caption indeed, following the various comments from the dota-allstars interview (actually, by the photos provided for the interview) done by WolfPackHockey.

so, more pics from the funan event available here

shoutouts to all you people who have come to check out this blog from all over the world.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

1) BUY TEENAGE MAGAZINE! Ant and GPS's interview in it! no pictures, sadly. i think.
2) congrats to LuX for being the only zenith member to make it into top 3 for funan interschool. ant's and ice's team's both lost to Temasek Poly (LuX) on the lat day of compie.
3) zenith is presently into the quarters (i think) of MYM, just winning iM narrowly tonight in an almost 2 hr long game where kills were at 51-52 (zenith - iM) i think.
4) if anyone wishes to buy a razer barracuda headset, leave a comment. only entertaining meetups and cash payment. comment only, no requests on tagboard will be entertained.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

after the 6th day at funan interschool gaming competition, proudly sponsored by iCELL 3com asus and microsoft, i'm pleased to announce that of the 8 teams left, 3 of them have zEnItH members in them - namely ACS(i) IB [Ant], Zhong Hua Sec [ice], Temasek Poly [LuX-]. be sure to catch them in action tomorrow at the finals at 10am at funan.
tofu's team [queensway sec aka the balding kakashi] was kicked out yesterday, and GPS' team [RJC] was eliminated today by ITE Tampines.
the most favoured team to win would have to go to Ngee Ann Poly, which has a more or less "all star" team - meaning that i actually have heard of all the players in the team before from the competitive DOTA scene. they are dN*KW, Mi2Leng(seduction), Dar3n ipod, dN*rubyyk and xqRmartellx(joey).
we'll see if the favourites make it tomorrow i guess.
other notable teams left would be ITE Tampines - which has Wrath*KeN and dN*Hengou - and temasek poly which has dotrk, stykish and our very own lux.

Friday, March 16, 2007

well. more links :-
this one from a tagger on the tag board
"icepbestplayernpkthxbai" yiyo
"Ice is the man." jawadco
"nah ive seen ice do shit that ive never seen anyone else before." jerm_nz
"yeah at first we thought ToFu was Zenith's star, it's more of iceiceice now, and I admire LuX and Ant, they play really solid in every game. GL @ MYM tourny" Oz™

and other comments...

=.=" international fame?
funan interschool today, GPS did a weak 14-2 qop while ant did an excellent syllabear, 14-0 with early radiance and some really good moves.
2 deaths for a qop is just... 2 deaths too many. ^^
just out from an ihcs game. and sometimes, people who think they are so good, only know how to complain about everything else. the proverbial frog in the well. i press w and wrath comes out 2 seconds later cos of lag, intention being to make it easier for my team to kill and to scout other heroes. i bolt a qop after she's stunned and get scolded for ksing. hi... qop has a fantastic spell called blink.
no more ihcs unless i know everyone in the team.
so, blame my judgement then.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Do this short survey!

(It's about all-things Japanese, as well as plans for a Japanese anime festival in Singapore!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

in keeping with the tradition of gay team zenith members, both LuX- and ToFuBoi have won their preliminary matches today. LuX-, using ES for his temasek poly team came in top score and Tofu playing for queensway sec managed to rake up a weak 15kills (or something like that) for his Mecurial, coming in top score too, i believe.
to quote LuX and ice "wah... level 18 already still only 10kills... weak mecurial lo..."
congrats and i hope to commentate one of their matches in the finals.
i'd like to retract what i said in my previous entry about sam/RJC. apparently, we were faked into believing that they lost. according to ant, he dug the truth out, and RJC actually WON. yay!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

zenith - winners of gamers inc. 2007
speaking of gamers inc...
i would say that first and foremost, they are a "lan shop". however, they do have policies which are kind of... "lan shop" unfriendly. this lies in the fact that they are registered as a society, rather than a business.
what does this mean? this means that as long as you aren't a member, you are not allowed to enter their premises. so you're basically forced to buy their membership whether or not you want to. not that the membership fee is expensive. its only $3.
being registered as a society has its perks - they can run 24hrs.
however, before being practically chased out, albeit politely, i questioned their "no members even allowed to be on their premises" statement -
"so this means that all the spectators who were watching the matches earlier in the day were members la?"
to which i wasn't given a reply. or maybe i didnt give the guy a chance to reply. either way he looked kinda lost for words.
so i stomped off in a self-righteous huff and went to visit Gaming Giants next door, run by our very own RiZe[X3M], where, i discovered gurmit singh. lol. apparently he's a personal friend of RiZe and a dota freak too.
as for the past few days, they've been great. i dont know why... commentating at funan interschool egaming challenge has left me with sinusitis which threatens to become full blown and a scratchy throat. well, FIVE more days only. i'm looking forward to seeing who wins it all. the members of zenith who have taken part are doing relatively well, with the exception of sam aka gps from RJC. kinda sad actually, i loved my time at RJC, and i'm not used to seeing RJC lose at anything.
ant did a 17-1 doombringer in his match [ ACS(i) ] vs bedok north on monday,
and ice did a 25-2 (something like that... maybe gay-er) lycan in his match (Zhong hua) vs ITE ang mo kio today.
RJC's match, i have no idea about because i was recovering from a late night at flawed's bbq. @@
on another note, commentating means that even though i'm no longer amazed at the micro and the gay-ness of the zenith members, especially ice's stunts, i still have to drama and act damn incredulous. lol.
check it out. lol.
"iceiceice > all , one of my fav players, really enjoyable to watch his unique style!" - Poddy
"Very well done! Every interview is intresting, and especially Zenith who will bring so much flavour to this tournament. Love iceiceice floating venomancer"-dea
interesting enough to make you click the link?

Monday, March 12, 2007

yes it took me a good 5 minutes to complete this log-in because I can no longer remember my google account pass. =.=" anyway, would like to wish the following people happy birthday, cos one of them mentioned that HE (hint hint) felt left out.


may you all pwn more noobs in the coming year!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Saturday, March 10, 2007

No proper post here! I don't have the energy for that! :P

But here's a nice little quote I came across:
"Team Zenith practically trash opponents, the leader was gay.Hold 1 panda do ahgua poses."

That's half correct. The leader IS gay, but he isn't the one holding the panda. Eeee. I'm running out of people to insult, so I'll restrict it to tofu and myself.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

anyone posted to pjc? :)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

here's a treat for all you self-proclaimed tofuboi fans out there! pic taken from gamesync gallery, from RP's ex3 gaming compie, i believe.

current thread featuring zenith players at :

and i was reading through the archives... this bit posted by ant still gets me laughing cos something like that happened recently... (sorry demonk. =x )

For the sake of completeness, here are some methods that have a higher chance of getting a match with us but which you should NEVER EVER try. They probably work when used in unison with each other.

You could...
a) BM all of us.
b) BM Tammy.
c) Challenge us to a sidebet match.
d) Convince us that you flew from overseas just to play with us.
e) Kidnap one of us or our close relatives, except for Tofu because we probably would love you more for it.

and something dragged up from even further back which made me smile again. from the time we were spamming blogthings tests. lol! rare moment of PDA, or rather onlineDA. =D

posted by dot. @ 3:00 PM
You are a gosu - pwn noobs and pros in almost every game. Having a sophisticated charm, you tend to attract both gender. Generous and giving. yet you expect nothing in return. You are very very very very committed in a relationship and loves a furryfish. You are just damn good and imba.

Your strength: furryfish
Your weakness: furryfish
Your power color: Colourless
Your power symbol: ice
Your power month: January-December

Saturday, March 03, 2007

21: Bristleback
22: Silencer
23: Doom Bringer
24: Lord of Avernus
25: Treant Protector
26: Bane Elemental
27: Shadow Shaman
28: Earthshaker
29: Lord of Olympia
30: Queen of Pain
31: Prophet
32: Twin-headed Dragon

Leaving hero logs on hold for a while. The main problem with piling them up is that the larger the list seems, the more reluctant I am to shrink it. Bleh.

I have lots to write about, but too much to whine about. Thus I shall simply whine about having much to whine about without whining about it, and leave it at that. Maybe when I feel like it I'll start writing much again. Mostly I write past midnight but nowadays I'm simply too tired or busy after midnight to do any writing. Or maybe I'll write when the Zenith website goes up, hopefully within my lifetime.
yo yo yo... i was googling my nick looking for an old entry in the museum of hoaxes... when i came across many interesting things! one of them being this :

and some super old ohgenki link that dawn did:

also... some other stuff... which some people would know about. but i shan't publicise that here.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I'm so busy with trials that even though I have so much to write about them, I can't.

I guess I've learnt a lesson to always appreciate the work my boss might be doing in the near future when I get one.

I'm trying to be humanitarian around this, but it does get hard. I mean I understand that it's not anyone's fault for requesting a trial or not knowing how to get one and being curious but catering to everyone's needs is stressful, especially when time is not in my favour. Heck, I probably sacrificed enough sleep.

Oh, don't get me wrong. The trials are fun. I'm actually liking it, but I have lots to whine about it and much stress. Watching 10 people while keeping track of another ongoing game, responding and adding to people in the waiting list (and people who don't know where to find information), trying to be fair when deciding who takes the next trial slot, recording and instructing successful trialees etc. can be much more difficult than one thinks.

I guess musica was right. I DO have a problem with trust and delegation. On hindsight this could have been much better planned and organised, but hindsight is as useful as history. Oh dear, Julius Ceasar died, can't do anything about it now eh?

And I haven't even got time to update my hero log. Plus had some last minute interview with some mag which I can't even write about now.

Why can't I write them now? Because after a few days it has come to a point where the get-things-done versus get-sleep balance has tipped to the other side.